
与媒体的有效沟通对十大彩票平台的教学至关重要 有能力执行其使命并促进对学院的持续支持.

Effective media relations best serve the college by:

    • 通知 the public of what we can do for them
    • 促进 the college’s achievements, activities and events of significance
    • 扩大 the general visibility of the college
    • 确保 向公众传达有关事件和事件的准确信息 controversial and/或者敏感的天性


负责机构发展的副总裁/首席公关官,以及成员 ,担任学院官方发言人,并传达 学院对具有全校影响或意义的问题的官方立场 or situations that are of a particularly controversial 或者敏感的天性. 调查 from 媒体 about such issues should initially be referred to the Vice%20President%20for%20Institutional%20进步.

根据具体情况,校长或副校长负责机构 晋升可以指定另一名学院管理人员担任发言人 一个特别的问题.

在对学院有重大意义的案件中,负责机构事务的副校长 进步将与其他大学官员一起制定书面声明 概述已知的事实情况,并总结学院的立场. 他/她 may also develop a reactive Q&A. Public response will be published to the college's website in a timely and efficient manner.

在发生危机或紧急情况时,机构副总裁 进步将协调与媒体的所有联系和信息流 学院向公众开放. In such situations, all campus departments should refer calls from 媒体 to the Office of 机构发展.

Interacting with the Media

教职员工可以自由回应媒体十大彩票游戏平台以下方面的要求 their research, scholarship, teaching or professional expertise. 在这种情况下, 应该尽快通知负责制度发展的副校长 to inform him/her of the contact. Such notification can be particularly important 如果与其他学院人员进行后续询问,以确保协调一致, consistent college response. Media inquiries should be referred to the Vice%20President%20for%20Institutional%20进步 如果他们涉及的问题与整个学院的重要性和/或是有争议的 或者敏感的天性.

The Office of 机构发展's 通信部门 通过十大彩票游戏平台稿宣传学院的特殊成就和活动 and activities, programs and plans. All releases intended for off-campus or external audiences should be routed through the Vice%20President%20for%20Institutional%20进步.

因为积极的媒体征求是大学传播的一个组成部分 计划,任何能积极描绘大学的文章或作品的想法, its work or its community should also be directed to the Vice%20President%20for%20Institutional%20进步. 同样,应该通知负责机构发展的副主席 negative occurrences that are likely to rise to the level of a news story.

在没有争议的情况下与媒体沟通的指引 Limited to the Faculty/工作人员 Member’s Area of Expertise

    • 获得 打电话的人的名字,媒体机构,如果可能的话,预期的 time of release of information in print or broadcast. This information should be included 当通知给机构临时助理副总裁时 进步.
    • The best approach with 媒体 is to be prompt, helpful and honest. 所有来自媒体的联系应尽快回复,以示尊重 记者的截稿日期. At the most, a call should be returned within a half-day. 如果这是不可能的,替代员工(如果合适),如副 President for 机构发展 or the Vice%20President%20for%20Institutional%20进步, should be asked to handle the call.
    • Make sure you understand each question from 媒体 before answering. If you cannot answer the question, or are uncomfortable 提供答复时,记下记者的电话号码,并告诉他/她有人 can provide the information will contact him/her as soon as possible. 后续的 联系 Vice%20President%20for%20Institutional%20进步.
    • Do not offer speculation or gossip. Do not answer a reporter's question with "no comment." Do not be condescending or 低估记者的智商,但确保记者理解 你的反应. Provide your phone number and/or email address for follow-up questions.
    • Remember that in responding to 媒体, you can be seen as representing and speaking for the college. Personal opinions should be clearly and carefully identified as such.
    • 的问题 should not be discussed with reporters 是1.法律问题.人事问题.) questions that involve college integrity, such as ethics or issues that may result in harm to others, or 4.校园危机 或紧急. Refer all such inquiries to the Vice%20President%20for%20Institutional%20进步.
    • Any media inquiries that involve information about specific students 应该直接找负责学生服务的临时助理副校长. 有关查询将严格按照《十大彩票平台》处理 和隐私法(FERPA). This federal law protects the confidentiality of a student's 教育记录. Information that may be given includes information found in a directory: 学生的全名,当地地址和电话号码,入学日期和学位, honors and certificates received, class level (e.g. freshman), and academic major(s). 成绩只有在学生希望公布的情况下才会提供给媒体 in connection with an award, scholarship or academic recognition.
    • Any media inquiries regarding EGSC faculty or staff should be referred to the Office of 人力资源.
    • 公开纪录要求 应立即提交给法律事务厅,因为有严格的截止日期 for responding must be followed.

Emergency/Crisis Communications

危机沟通对机构声誉和公众的影响是持久的 支持. 我们向公众传达信息的好坏很大程度上取决于报道的内容 给十大彩票游戏平台媒体. This is especially true in a crisis, during which the news media is the primary means of communication to our constituencies. 因为情绪 这通常伴随着危机,危机报道形成的图像尤其如此 important in shaping long-lasting public impressions of the institution.

在校园发生重大危机时,有效的沟通是至关重要的 计划的实施要及时、准确地传播并保证 that inquiries are routed to the appropriate sources.


    • 不要惊慌.
    • 从来没有 说:“无可奉告.”同时, 没有什么 “不记录在案吗?."
    • The rights and well-being of the people affected are paramount to all other considerations. 如果你有能力这样做,尽量减少生命损失或伤害应该是你的 主要的担忧.
    • 维护 良好的声誉 of East Georgia State College.
    • 表现出你的关心.
    • Provide accurate information. If you don't know the details, don't guess or assume; refer inquiries to the Vice President for 机构发展 or official spokesperson.
    • 避免法律问题.

优先事项将是与媒体保持及时和公开的沟通,提供 已确认的十大彩票游戏平台紧急情况的完整和准确的信息 and providing the college's response to the crisis at hand. 与政府的联络 媒体将在整个紧急情况期间进行. 的EGSC 网站将被用作更新我们的校园社区和网站的重要媒介 公众了解紧急情况的细节和我们正在采取的行动 所有相关问题.

当校园发生重大事件或灾难时,将设立媒体中心. 媒体中心将包括媒体工作空间、电力、电话、 Internet connections, campus and community directories and maps. A media pool of representatives 可任命印刷和广播媒体机构制定行为规则 对于媒体来说.

在校园紧急情况下,教职员工和学生有权不与他人交谈 媒体. 媒体和其他社区成员一样可以进入校园, so it is important, especially during a crisis 或紧急, to be vigilant about what you say and who you are saying it to. 如果个人认为记者侵犯了他们的权利,就应该 be reported to the Vice President for 机构发展.

如果输入量大,也可以建立通信信息中心 电话会议.